ActiveCampaign integrates with Stripe and PayPal

ActiveCampaign, a leading Customer Experience Automation (CXA) software provider, has rolled out native integrations with payment processing companies Stripe and PayPal.

Businesses can now seamlessly connect their Stripe or PayPal accounts to ActiveCampaign through native integrations, and use payer data to orchestrate unique customer experiences based on real-time billing events and transactions.

Customers can trigger automation when an order is created, when a payment fails, or when a charge is successful or failed — or set automated and personalized follow-ups to engage customer post-purchase.

Other companies offering payment platform integrations require manual processes and coding with webhooks and API keys. ActiveCampaign allows companies of all sizes to use payment events in automation through a simple drag-and-drop interface.

Check also our review of ActiveCampaign, including its User Satisfaction Index.

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