Bidalgo launches Creative Center to maximize ad creative ROI

Bidalgo, a provider of campaign management and ad creative management software and services, has launched Creative Center, a suite of tools to transform the way marketers create, measure, analyze and optimize their advertising creative.

“Marketers have traditionally had three levers to optimize their campaigns: audience targeting, bidding strategies, and ad creative,” said Peli Beeri, CEO of Bidalgo, in a statement. “The first two levers have been largely automated by the channels themselves and through third-party tools, leaving ad creative as the one variable where marketers can really differentiate themselves and make an impact on their campaign performance. We built the Creative Center to give marketers the tools they need to design better ad creative, optimize campaign performance, and get a leg up on the competition.”

Bidalgo’s Creative Center combines insights with automated processes for production, testing, and management of ad creative at scale so marketers can optimize their workflows and campaign ROI. The suite of tools is based on Bidalgo’s proprietary analytics, optimization and automation technologies.

The software lets marketers produce ad creative for campaigns across numerous channels including Facebook, Google, Snap, Apple Search Ads, TikTok, and other social media platforms and ad networks.

With Bidalgo’s Creative Center, app marketers can now:

  • Automatically produce creative iterations at scale: Bidalgo’s Creative Center enables marketers to quickly ramp up their capacity for creative iteration by ingesting a few creative concepts and automatically generating numerous assets with high performance potential based on those proven concepts.
  • Test efficiently with predictive ranking: Marketers can test creative concepts faster and more efficiently by leveraging the Creative Center to analyze new assets and discover their performance potential, thereby starting the testing process with creative concepts that show greater propensity to drive engagement and conversions.
  • Understand which creative elements perform best: By analyzing creative elements such as copy, images, colors, calls to action and more, the Creative Center shows marketers which elements are most effective at driving the key performance indicators they care about most.
  • Rank creative across channels, placements, geos and ads: Marketers can easily view the performance rank for all creative assets in a single place, based on aggregated data from channels, measurement platforms, and Bidalgo’s proprietary intelligence.
  • Detect creative fatigue: Creative-level, over-time analysis capabilities enable marketers to discover and flag the earliest signs of creative fatigue against user-defined KPIs.
  • Streamline creative management: Marketers can manage their creative more efficiently and effectively by making bulk changes across all ads that include a specific creative asset, refreshing campaigns with auto-generated creative, optimizing the ad types each audience receives based on creative-level analysis, and more.

You can find out out more about the tool here.

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