Omnicom launches OmniearnedID to measure ROI of earned media

Omnicom Public Relations Group has launched OmniearnedID, Omnicom Public Relations Group’s (OPRG) patent-pending precision communications platform that lets you validate the impact of earned media on brand sales.

OmniearnedID provides anonymized information about the individuals who are consuming and reacting to a brand’s earned media content and links them to measurable business impacts, such as sales and brand reputation. With this intelligence, brands can measure campaign effectiveness and refine future earned content and channel strategies.

Built on Omnicom’s precision marketing and insights platform Omni, omniearnedID brings together OPRG’s unparalleled global communications expertise with dozens of top-tier data sources and unmatched technology from Omni. It can be applied to any industry such as consumer packaged goods, technology or health and wellness, as well as any communications discipline, including corporate reputation, crisis communications and influencer relations.

“When we launched Omni more than two years ago, the platform was designed to be distributed across Omnicom and not siloed in any one agency or network. By migrating OPRG to the group’s Omni platform, we are able to leverage data and directly link social to sales,” said Jonathan Nelson, CEO at Omnicom Digital, in a news release announcing the new software.

While other analytics offerings in the public relations industry are limited to tracking individual metrics such as coverage, reach or engagement results of communications campaigns, omniearnedID was designed to solve specific challenges that have long confronted the earned media side of marketing and communications, including:  

  • Proving the impact of earned media based on sales and brand health;
  • Quantifying the business impact of influencer campaigns;
  • Assessing the reach of a potentially damaging article or blog post;
  • Analyzing anonymized information about who is consuming earned media; and
  • Understanding current cultural trends and predicting future trends.

The omniearnedID platform is designed to comply fully with global data privacy regulations.

For more information on omniearnedID, please visit

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