Membership Plans

As it’s demo site, membership levels are disabled on it. But you can see our tutorial for advanced members – check this tutorial

Theme also has some helpers for membership. First of all, you can use it’s login/register popup and some shortcodes (check below) + it has full support for Buddypress if you need super powerful user functions including private messages, profiles, friendship, following and activity. Check demo of Recash to see BuddyPress customizations of theme. Also theme supports MyCred and badges, ranks, levels, etc. Also theme has powerful user dropdown and user menus, support for social login.

Price table shortcode example

  • Free membership

    $99.95 /month

    • sample item
    • sample item
    • sample item

    Custom button

  • Second level

    $129.95 /month

    • sample item
    • sample item
    • sample item

    You can use custom code for button

Members content shortcode example

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